Romas in Future
The Roma people, numbering approximately 12 million, live spread throughout the world, on all continents and in almost all countries of our planet. Current citizens of the states of residence, due to a tragic history of institutional racism, extermination, and cultural ethnocide, the Roma have not been able to found a state of their own. In this context, it can be stated, without fear of being wrong, that the Roma are a cross-border and non-territorial or non-state ethnic group or ethnic minority.
The Roma in Europe is recognized as a national minority with all the cultural rights, including linguistic, arising from this status, in 14 member states of the European Union and in several other countries such as Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia, Montenegro, and the Republic of Moldova.
On January 1, 2001, the president of the International Roma Union, Emil Scuka, declared that the Roma are a cross-border and non-territorial cultural-political nation:
"Individuals belonging to the Roma Nation demand the representation of their Nation, which does not want to become a state. We ask to be recognized as a Nation, for the good of Roma and non-Roma, who share the need to face the new contemporary challenges. We, a Nation from which half a million people were exterminated in the forgotten Holocaust, a Nation whose individuals were too often discriminated against, marginalized, and victims of intolerance and persecution, have a dream, and we are committed to fulfill it. We are one nation, we share the same tradition, the same culture, the same origin, the same language; we are a nation. We never aimed to find the Roma state. And even today we do not want a state, now that the new society and the new economy overcome, concretely and progressively, the importance and adequacy of the state as a way of organizing the individuals themselves."
The Roma have an international Roma flag, an international Roma anthem, an international day - April 8, which celebrates the First International Congress of Romas since 1971, and a common Romani language with its standardized script and literary language – its most refined form.
Unfortunately, due to causes related to the anti-Roma racism of the states, but also to the weakness and lack of unity of the Roma movement, marked, also due to historical racism, by ethnic self-stigma, there are very few museums of the Roma in the world, very few Romani theaters, very few Romani libraries, very few Romani philharmonics, very few public Romani cultural centers, very few Romani televisions, radio stations or broadcasts, very few Romani publications, very few Romani schools or classes, no arts and crafts schools specializing in Roma crafts, minimal or non-existent Roma cultural production, minimal or non-existent political representation at the level of local, national, European or international public decision-making authorities (local councils, governments, parliaments).
In Romania, there is no museum of Roma culture, no Roma theater, no Roma library, no Roma philharmonic, no local or county public Roma cultural centers, no public Roma televisions or radio stations, and there are very few schools or classes teaching in the Romani language, no arts and crafts school specializing in Romani crafts. There is only the National Center for Roma Culture - Romano Kher, the only public institution at the national level in Romania that aims to develop and promote Roma culture.
The vision for the future of the international Roma movement is the recognition of the non-territorial cross-border cultural-political Roma nation through the creation and development of Roma cultural institutions and institutions of decision-making representation of the Roma, as well as through a massive and extensive Roma cultural production in the fields of art and research.
dr. Delia Grigore/ Translation: Victoria Ducu
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